
Sunday, April 06, 2008


Horatio Disappears

Horatio was a black and silver tabby that came to us as a feral cat and became a pet. We had a doggy door at the time, so Horatio learned to come and go as he pleased. At night, I insisted that all the cats be in and the doggy door sealed. Usually, this went without a hitch, but one night Horatio did not come in.

I went looking for him. He was a cat that came when called, so it was unusual that he not come when called. As I searched, I called repeatedly. No Horatio. I was worried, so I walked around the block. This did two things (1) if Horatio had wandered farther than usual perhaps he would hear me and (2) I could be sure there was no cat body in the street. We live near two very busy streets and have lost cats to cars before. There was no sign of Horatio, dead or alive. I returned home. Horatio did not return that night.

The next morning, I once more walked the neighborhood, but on a much expanded route. I made a ten block search to no avail. I was really worried. Maybe someone had taken Horatio. I decided that was unlikely because he was shy with strangers.

That afternoon, I put up signs around my block asking for help in locating my cat. I also checked with the local animal shelter. No Horatio.

The next morning there was a knock on the door. A cook with the restaurant next to our house was there. He asked me if I had lost a cat. I said yes. He informed me there was a cat loose in the stockroom of the restaurant. The cat would not let anyone near it. I knew it was Horatio.

The cook escorted me into the restaurant and to the storage room. The owner of the restaurant was there. She pointed to an upper shelf. There was Horatio among the liquor bottles. I asked everyone to step back, then reached for Horatio. He was obviously glad to see me and came into my arms with no coaxing. He did not even knock a bottle over.

How did he get into the restaurant? The owner gave me my answer. She explained that they had worked on the heating and air-conditioning a few days ago. Only yesterday did they discover that a workman had left the vent open on the roof. I knew that Horatio loved to run along the edge of the restaurant’s roof. Horatio must have found the open vent and climbed down, then somehow gotten into the kitchen and then the stockroom.Whatever Horatio had done, it had been dangerous.

When I got him home, I checked him out. He had a long burn on his stomach. I don’t know where he got it exactly, but he must have had a tight squeeze next to something very hot. I put ointment on the burn. In a few days, Horatio was fine. He was confined to the house for the next week. He did not complain at all about his incarceration. When allowed outside, he stayed in our yard. It was a long time before he did any climbing again.

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